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Introducing the Varroa Detection Shaker Bottle

Quick and Easy Varroa Detection: This compact tool enables beekeepers to efficiently monitor honeybee colonies for varroa mites, a critical step in maintaining hive health.

Versatile and Simple to Use: Designed for use with either fine icing sugar or clear alcohol (e.g., methylated spirits), the bottle makes it easy to dislodge mites for analysis.

Essential for Hive Health Management: Ideal for regular monitoring, especially during peak infestation periods in spring and fall, helping ensure the health and productivity of your bee colonies.

Varroa Mite Detection Kit

Regular price $12.65
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Introducing the Varroa Detection Shaker Bottle

Quick and Easy Varroa Detection: This compact tool enables beekeepers to efficiently monitor honeybee colonies for varroa mites, a critical step in maintaining hive health.

Versatile and Simple to Use: Designed for use with either fine icing sugar or clear alcohol (e.g., methylated spirits), the bottle makes it easy to dislodge mites for analysis.

Essential for Hive Health Management: Ideal for regular monitoring, especially during peak infestation periods in spring and fall, helping ensure the health and productivity of your bee colonies.

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