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5% for early pre-orders! 

Introducing our highest-demanded product to date, our hive top feeder.

Our hive top feeder is a tub that sits snugly within our manley-sized hive body and features a centre tower and a float. The tower has a textured wall to make it easier for the bees to navigate across, and the float provides a platform for the bees, significantly reducing drownings.

The hive top feeder is removable, so when you don't need to feed, you can use the manley as a honey super.

This feeder also provides space for feeding patties, fondant and other dry feeds directly through the centre cavity.

Max capacity: 15.4L

5% off

Hive Top Feeder

Regular price $49.99 $47.49 5% off
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5% for early pre-orders! 

Introducing our highest-demanded product to date, our hive top feeder.

Our hive top feeder is a tub that sits snugly within our manley-sized hive body and features a centre tower and a float. The tower has a textured wall to make it easier for the bees to navigate across, and the float provides a platform for the bees, significantly reducing drownings.

The hive top feeder is removable, so when you don't need to feed, you can use the manley as a honey super.

This feeder also provides space for feeding patties, fondant and other dry feeds directly through the centre cavity.

Max capacity: 15.4L

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