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Introducing the Varroa Board

Effective Varroa Monitoring: Designed to slide into the HiveIQ Hive Base, this board allows beekeepers to monitor varroa infestation levels with ease and accuracy during short-term use.

Seals Hive During Treatment: Ideal for fumigating or providing varroa mite treatments, as it seals the hive to retain treatment gases effectively.

Essential for Hive Health Management: An indispensable tool for maintaining hive health, especially when paired with Varroa Board Tracks for seamless integration.

Varroa Board

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Introducing the Varroa Board

Effective Varroa Monitoring: Designed to slide into the HiveIQ Hive Base, this board allows beekeepers to monitor varroa infestation levels with ease and accuracy during short-term use.

Seals Hive During Treatment: Ideal for fumigating or providing varroa mite treatments, as it seals the hive to retain treatment gases effectively.

Essential for Hive Health Management: An indispensable tool for maintaining hive health, especially when paired with Varroa Board Tracks for seamless integration.

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