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Introducing the Beehive Lock System

Secure and Stable Hive Assembly: Designed to lock your beehive into a single, cohesive unit, ensuring stability and security during transport or daily management.

Durable and UV-Resistant Strapping: Crafted from 19mm heavy-duty poly-woven material, the strapping is stronger than traditional metal options and resilient to UV exposure.

Versatile and Easy to Use: Ideal for securing individual hives or strapping two hives to a hive pallet, with soft, user-friendly handling for added convenience.

Beehive Lock with Polywoven Strapping

Regular price $16.49
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Introducing the Beehive Lock System

Secure and Stable Hive Assembly: Designed to lock your beehive into a single, cohesive unit, ensuring stability and security during transport or daily management.

Durable and UV-Resistant Strapping: Crafted from 19mm heavy-duty poly-woven material, the strapping is stronger than traditional metal options and resilient to UV exposure.

Versatile and Easy to Use: Ideal for securing individual hives or strapping two hives to a hive pallet, with soft, user-friendly handling for added convenience.

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