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Introducing the HiveIQ Bee Brush

Gentle and Effective Design: Crafted with soft, high-quality bristles, the HiveIQ Bee Brush allows for the careful removal of bees from frames and hive components without causing harm or stress.

Durable and Easy to Maintain: Built for long-lasting performance, the sturdy construction and easy-to-clean materials ensure your bee brush remains in top condition for years.

Essential for Hive Management: Ideal for minimizing disturbance to your bees, this tool helps maintain a healthy and productive colony, making it a must-have for beekeepers of all levels.

Bee Brush

Regular price $8.25
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Introducing the HiveIQ Bee Brush

Gentle and Effective Design: Crafted with soft, high-quality bristles, the HiveIQ Bee Brush allows for the careful removal of bees from frames and hive components without causing harm or stress.

Durable and Easy to Maintain: Built for long-lasting performance, the sturdy construction and easy-to-clean materials ensure your bee brush remains in top condition for years.

Essential for Hive Management: Ideal for minimizing disturbance to your bees, this tool helps maintain a healthy and productive colony, making it a must-have for beekeepers of all levels.

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