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Introducing Our Timber Frames

High-Quality and Sturdy Design: Crafted from premium Australian-made hoop pine, these full-depth, double-grooved frames provide a reliable foundation for your bees to build their comb.

Perfect Fit for Langstroth Hives: Precisely engineered to fit standard Langstroth-sized hives, these frames are an essential addition for both experienced and beginner beekeepers.

Durable and Easy to Use: These frames are simple to install into your hive and are built to last, offering longevity and functionality.

Assembled Timber Frame with Foundation - Full Depth Langstroth

Regular price $8.89
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Introducing Our Timber Frames

High-Quality and Sturdy Design: Crafted from premium Australian-made hoop pine, these full-depth, double-grooved frames provide a reliable foundation for your bees to build their comb.

Perfect Fit for Langstroth Hives: Precisely engineered to fit standard Langstroth-sized hives, these frames are an essential addition for both experienced and beginner beekeepers.

Durable and Easy to Use: These frames are simple to install into your hive and are built to last, offering longevity and functionality.

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