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Introducing the Honeycomb Uncapping Fork

Efficient and Precise Honey Extraction: Designed to remove wax caps from honeycomb frames with ease, exposing the honey without damaging the comb.

Accurately Spaced Tines: Ensures smooth and efficient removal of caps, maximizing honey extraction from each frame.

Lightweight and Easy to Handle: Perfect for beekeepers of all experience levels, offering a comfortable and efficient solution for harvesting honey.

Uncapping Fork Stainless Steel

Regular price $10.95
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Introducing the Honeycomb Uncapping Fork

Efficient and Precise Honey Extraction: Designed to remove wax caps from honeycomb frames with ease, exposing the honey without damaging the comb.

Accurately Spaced Tines: Ensures smooth and efficient removal of caps, maximizing honey extraction from each frame.

Lightweight and Easy to Handle: Perfect for beekeepers of all experience levels, offering a comfortable and efficient solution for harvesting honey.

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