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Introducing the 9 Frame Metal Honey Super Transport Pallet

Lightweight, Strong, and Durable Design: Built from high-quality galvanized sheet metal, this pallet is designed for easy transport of honey supers between the apiary and extracting facility.

Improved Honey Drip Tray: Features a redesigned drip tray with a reduced 10mm edge for easy cleaning, honey containment, and minimal water retention during wet weather.

Effortless Assembly and Secure Transport: Pre-drilled components ensure quick assembly with 4.8mm stainless steel rivets, while the pallet can securely hold 4 stacks of 9-frame HiveIQ honey supers using hive locks and strapping.

Honey Pallet - 9 Frame EPS

Regular price $164.99
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Introducing the 9 Frame Metal Honey Super Transport Pallet

Lightweight, Strong, and Durable Design: Built from high-quality galvanized sheet metal, this pallet is designed for easy transport of honey supers between the apiary and extracting facility.

Improved Honey Drip Tray: Features a redesigned drip tray with a reduced 10mm edge for easy cleaning, honey containment, and minimal water retention during wet weather.

Effortless Assembly and Secure Transport: Pre-drilled components ensure quick assembly with 4.8mm stainless steel rivets, while the pallet can securely hold 4 stacks of 9-frame HiveIQ honey supers using hive locks and strapping.

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